giovedì 22 maggio 2014

Wedding Favours and Pitagora..

This article deals with the superstition. In the past superstitions were very popular, but now they are dissapearing. I'll write one of this,. In my country, in Italy, there are a lot of superstitions, one of this is joined to wedding favours. This custom goes back to the origins of Pitagora, he associated even numbers to women's world, and odd number to men's world. The sum of the first female number, two, and the first male number, three, is five, that symbolizes marriage between a man and woman. So in wedding favours there are five sugared almonds, that we call " confetti ". In fact you can find only five sugared almond, if you found more than five, it would be unluckly for the couple.

mercoledì 21 maggio 2014

British Meals

In England when they have breakfast, in the morning, they often eat toast served with butter, jam or marmalade. Cereals with milk but the traditional English breakfast is composed of eggs, bacon, sausages, tomatoes, beans and black pudding. At lunch they eat sandwiches, salads, snacks and meat. When they have dinner, instead, they eat meals based on rice or pasta, but the traditional dinner is toad in the hole, Yorkshire pudding with sausages, sherperd's pie, minced lamb with smashed potates up.

martedì 20 maggio 2014

The new Marilyn

Michelle William was on the role of Marilyn Monroe in ' My week-end with Marilyn '. Her career started in 2005, when she had a part in Brokeback Mountain, she played Alma. The story of the film is a true story, when Marilyn went to England . The actress said that she grew up with Marilyn's pictures in her bedroom. Then she said there was a kind of relantionship as if that image was a sort of holding something over her. When Michelle played Marilyn, she didn't understand the difference between Marilyn's persona and her real life. So she decided to know about her life, she read about her, she saw Marilyn's video and recording. With her there was Kenneth Branangh, that played Sir Laurance Olivier. Michelle said that Kenneth took the weather with him wherever he goes. The she said, also, that he gave the greatest piece of film set advice: " Why stand when you can sit, and why sit when you can lay down? So, please, make yourself comfortable! "
I chose this article because I love actor and actress of  50s.

venerdì 11 aprile 2014

Easter traditions of my town.

In my town, during the period of Easter, there are a lot of traditions. One of these is a preparation of a special cake, that is named "Pastiera". There are more types of this. This cake is prepared during the Holy Week. Then there is a pizza with sausages, and bread with eggs. All this mustn't be eaten before Easter. Good Friday night there is a procession of Jesus' Passion ( Via Crucis ). It is very moving. Instead on Holy Saturday there is a procession of little angels, made of kids , it is very cute, because there are a lot of kids. After Easter, there is our Patron Saint, that is to say Madonna Incaldana. The feast-days lasts three days. On teh Feast day the picture of Madonna Incaldanais brought around the city, then it is put into the Basilica dedicated to her. All days there are many concerts, to celebrate her saint name and to give her honours.

Saint George.

He is the patron saint of England. Nothing of George’s life or deeds can be established, but legends about him as a warrior-saint, dating from the 6th century, became popular and increasingly extravagant. His rescuing a Libyan king’s daughter from a dragon and then slaying the monster in return for a promise by the king’s subjects to be baptized. George’s slaying of the dragon may be a Christian version of thelegend of Perseus, who was said to have rescued Andromeda from a sea monster near Lydda. George was known in England by at least the 8th century. Returning crusaders likely popularized his cult, but he was probably not recognized as England’s patron saint until after King Edward III made him the patron of the newly founded Order of the Garter. He was also adopted as protector of several other medieval powers, including Portugal, Genoa, and Venice. His feast is given a lesser status in the calendar of the Church of England; a holy day of obligation for English Roman Catholics until the late 18th century, it is now an optional memorial for local observance. His feast day is the 23rd April, the same day William Shakespeare's birthday. 

venerdì 4 aprile 2014

Floyd Spotting!

Last Thursday I read an extract about Pink Floyd, that explains the youth of the members. They attended the County High School for Boys. All the members met there. Waters and Roger played in the same team, Barett was already an artist. David Gilmour played with Gordon in the Cambridge group. That school was an inspiration for "The Wall", because teachers beat them, and they wrote in the song, those lines as "We don't need no education" and " No dark sarcasm in the classroom". In effect the bassist sang about sadistic teachers hurt the children anyway they could. I read this extract because I love Pink Floyd, and their psychedelic music. I listen them when I was 8, with my father, from that moment I continue to listen them.

venerdì 7 marzo 2014

Lenny Kravitz: Peace and Love.

Last Thursday I read an article about Lenny Kravitz's album "It is time for a Love Revolution". With this album he wants to campaigne for peace. In an interview Lenny Kravitz talks about world's problems, and he explains that he stands for love and for peace. He also talks about the negativity that there is today in the world. Everybody gives importance at stuff such as money,girls,cars, diamonds and luxuries in general, but they don't give importance to real problems, like war, famine. In 1990, on the eve of the Gulf War, he sang a new version og "Give a Peace a Chance", but it was banned. The same thing happened with " We want Peace". He said "Where's ther's a war we have song against it, they didn't play it". I think he is very wise and corageous. I love his musi, and his voice, he is a good singer!

mercoledì 26 febbraio 2014

Presidents' Day!

Presidents’ Day,or Washington’s Birthday, in the United States, this holiday is to honor George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.The origin of Presidents’ Day date back in the 1880s, when the birthday of Washington was first celebrated as a federal holiday. In 1968 Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill, which moved a number of federal holidays to Mondays. Following much discussion, Congress rejected the name change. After the bill went into effect in 1971, however, Presidents’ Day became the commonly accepted name, due in part to retailers’ use of that name to promote sales and the holiday’s proximity to Lincoln’s birthday. Presidents’ Day is usually marked by public ceremonies in Washington, D.C., and throughout the country. Following much discussion, Congress rejected the name change. After the bill went into effect in 1971, however, Presidents’ Day became the commonly accepted name, due in part to retailers’ use of that name to promote sales and the holiday’s proximity to Lincoln’s birthday. Presidents’ Day is usually marked by public ceremonies in Washington, D.C., and throughout the country.

venerdì 7 febbraio 2014

Bad Habits!

My bad habits are much more than I think. I eat my nails, I'm always nervous, I answer reudely and I talk loudly. I bite my pens, I always say "like". When someone ask something I answer "wait" and I don't remember that thing. I never eat vegetables, I always hope! I have more bad habits!!


Last wensday I read an article on Speak Up! This was an extract a famous book Frankenstein and deals with the its humor revisited like 'Young Frankestein' and 'Frankeweenie' by Tim Burton. Also deals with ' The Addams Family' and 'The Horror Rocky Picture show'. People often think that Frankenstein is tghe name of the monster, actually is the name of the scientist who gave him life. The extract is the chapter five that deals with the feelings of the scientist when he was giving life to the monster. At the beginning he was excited, but when the monster was finished he was scared of him because the monster was ugly. I've chosen this extract because I like Frankenstein movie and its humor revisited, and horror series like The Addams Family. I watched some series from "The Horror Rocky Picture show".

venerdì 17 gennaio 2014

Girls with hair extensions suspend from school.

In Liverpool, two girls loved long hair, so they decided to copy their favourite TV stars and they put extensionsto their hair. Their teacher didn't like their hairstyle, they thought it was not appropriate. So they decided the girls should have lessons in separate classroom. The girls' mother were very dissapointed about the treatment , bacause they tought it was nice such style, and the two girls didn't break a scool rule.

Mel's Drive-In!

Last week I read on Speak Up an article.This article deals with especially about Mel's Drive-In. It was a restaurant where the teenagers spent their time there. They could order milshakes and fries, and they could listen to music. This restaurant was very popular because it appeared in American Graffiti. Unfornately, it was torn down, but the owner's son, Steven Weiss, and his business partner re-opened the restaurant in 1985. If you there, you can enjoy the 1950's and the early 1960's. I always loved the 1950's,especially the restaurant, because everythings was happy and coreful!